We are leaving for the airport in fifteen minutes for what is sure to be an eventful flight. Although I hope it isn't I'm sure my kids will spice up my life in ways I can only imagine. I think that we are bringing everything in the house that I haven't put into a moving box yet. It looks like we're set to move to california. I think hannah leads the pack with stuff shes bringing. Why is it always the smallest ones who need the most? I am so excited I can hardly believe its time to go. Have a great week everyone. I just got a new memory card for my digital camera and it can hold 797 pictures. Any bets on how full I can make it by Saturday? Look forward to sharing our pictures with you when we return! Adios.
We went to have an ultrasound today and the very first thing that we saw was that she is a girl! We are so excited. Last night when I put the boys to bed I asked them what they think the baby is. Andrew said that he wanted it to be a girl but thought it would be a boy. Isaac thought it would be a boy as well. Andrew was so ecstatic when we got home and told him. Everything else seemed to go well. She had all the right fingers and toes. Trouble was she would not stop moving and wiggling around. She kept putting her hands up by her face. It looked like she was rubbing her eyes.
We had the ultrasound done at the new adventist place kinda near the old navy in Gresham. It was fabulous. They asked us if we wanted to have a picture cd of the ultrasound. well Yeah! It was so easy to upload them and I can email them to my mom and other family. The tech was the nicest one I've ever had.
The only news that was a bit disappointing was that she measures small. Based on the measuremtents I would not be due the 7th of october but the 15th. Andrew's birthday is the 7th and we wanted to have the baby after his birthday but what a bummer to find out I have one more week to be pregnant that I thought.
Well we are crazy. We are going to Disneyland!! on May 23rd and coming back the 27th. This is in an of itself a great undertaking but we are also moving on the 30th. My goal is to have our house packed up before we leave for Disneyland. That way I just have to clean when we get back. Right now I have no idea where anything in my house is. Its all just everywhere. There are scattered boxes around the house. Now it seems to me that as I packed up our belongings there would be less things to strewn around but oh was I wrong. The next few weeks are just going to be crazy!!
We took a quick trip over to Remond, Oregon to look for a place to live. I had a backup plan all thought out in case we couldn't find something suitable. I didn't think we were asking for much. We simply wanted three bedrooms and a washer dryer hookup. I can't imagine using a laundry mat with six people in our family, two of them being under two. We finally found a place that we liked. She had several townhomes and she was incredibly nice on the phone. We decided on 3016 SW Juniper Ave. It is close by the elementary school, a huge Baptist church and is in a new subdevelopment. We are going to fill out the application and fax it to her. Once we do that we should hear in about 8 hours. The only hang up could be that we don't quite make 3 times the amount of rent. We're really close and she said if our rental history is good then she'll most likely recommend us to the landlord. Please pray that whatever our previous landlords say it is positive. We have had good experiences and I'm sure Our history will check out. Here are some pictures. This is the view from the street Here is the kitchen This is the living room This is the dining room
I like to sleep in but can't really remember the last time I did. I like scrapbooking, reading, playing soccer. I have four darling kids, many of whom keep me up at night. I wish I liked vegetables more than junk food. If you need another player for a board game, I'm your gal.