Monday, July 24, 2006

body parts

so do you really know what all you body parts do? not talking arms legs heart, etc. do you know what your gallbladder, appendix, or spleen do? well i don't care to, i just want them to work properly.

due to the fact that my gallbladder is not functioning properly i now know what it does. i have an ultrasound on tuesday. generally when you hear a pregnant woman say that they are excited. i just can't bring myself to be excited about seeing my gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas.

due to the fact that i couldn't keep down anything on sunday i have been on a clear liquid diet for just over 24 hours. starting tonight at 1am i have to fast, nothing by mouth, not even water. I kept asking if they knew i was pregnant. man i'm starving.

lets go over what i've eaten (i'm using this term losely to mean anything that i put in my mouth. as you'll be able to see almost nothing actually required chewing) in the last 24 hours just for fun.

1. water
2. flavored water--thanks to my wonderful husband who got it for me and then fixed dinner so i didn't have to.
3.popsicles--but not my favorite, no red or purple died anything.
4. beef broth--which is not great on a 100 degree day by the way.
5. ritz crackers--not a good idea made me really sick
6. more water
7. cheerios--again not a good idea
8. lime jello--gross but at least it had flavor
9. another popsicle, orange

i really don't want to have gallbladder surgery. I hope that i don't have to. but from the state of things it may be inevitable. Please pray for me and my family. My husband is going out of town on wednesday for a few days and I will get the results of my ultrasound on thursday. i am dreading having to make a decision. From the little bit of research I've done on the surgery its not advisable in the thrid trimester, which i'm in. It said there was a risk of losing the baby. It also said having gallstones puts you at risk for premature labor. After the surgery you can't lift anything or go up/down the stairs for a week. That would really suck because i have a daughter who loves me and loves me to hold her.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Is your tetnis shot current?

Well mine is. I just got one yesterday. Here's how it happened...

The boys were riding bikes outside and hannah went in the garage and climbed in her stroller. She proclaimed, "walk, walk" I said how about the mail. this pleased the little munchkin so I went inside got the keys and slipped on my flip flops.

The mailbox is about twenty feet away from the end of our driveway. Hannah and I embarked on our adventure but just after we turned onto the sidewalk I stopped. I had stepped down and onto something. I thought,"wow that doesn't feel like a rock." I lifted up my foot and pulled the flip flop away from it, only to see that I was also pulling a rusty nail out of my foot. It had gone clean through the flip flop and into my foot. I promptly turned around and hobbled back up the driveway.

At this point in the story I need to make a side note. I have been meaning to write a post about how blessed we are to have the neighbors that moved in next door. I am so thankful that God placed them in our lives.

I sat on our little porch and surveyed the now puddle of blood in my sandle. I called to my neighbor also named sarah. She came out and lept into action. She brought things to clean the wound, checked out the nail and started asking me questions. When was my last tetnis? no idea. is my car unlocked? probably. Call your dr. Okay. In a matter of minutes she had rounded up the kiddos (her two and my three) got them all in her car and was driving me to the ER. When we arrived they looked at it. Cleaned it again. Gave me a wonderful shot and told me not to walk on it for a few days. I wanted to ask if they knew what life with a toddler is like. I have not been able to stay off it and I believe I am paying for it.

After the ER Sarah took us to fred meyers. She told me to go get my antibiotic filled at the pharmacy while she took the kids for ice cream at baskin robins. Not one to argue I went ahead. When we finally got home everyone was exhausted. Hannah had missed her nap and desperately needed one but would not leave my side. After dinner Sarah invited the boys to go to the park with her and her kids for a bike ride. She took them for about an hour and a half. I don't know what I would have done without her help yesterday. I am so greatful that she was around. Not just through this experience but many others I can see what it looks like to love your neighbor as yourself.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I say, "No thank you"

to instrumental worship, especially when done with a country twang. It has not been until we have attended a church outside the church of christ that I realized what I truly value about that tradition. In the five Sundays we've been here we have tried three churches. None of them felt like home. We are going to a new church next week.

so here we go, reasons why I like acapella worship.

1. you can hear that other people are singing too.

2. It doesn't sound like you're at a concert.

3. It is simple.

4. I know the songs.

5. My husband can stomp to it.

6. It feels like home.

7. I've never had an acapella country worship experience.

8. it doesn't feel like we're singing along with the radio.

9. people can pretend to be various percussion instruments.

10. i just like it better.