Monday, July 30, 2007

Little Mo

I think that Moriyah might be the most uniquely funny infant we have had. Here are some of her funnies:

  • She ROARS. Seriously just like a lion. If she hears someone roar she is compelled to roar as well.
  • She used to growl, thankfully I haven't heard her do that lately. It was this deep raspy i'm possessed kind of growl. I found it to be a bit creepy.
  • She loves to eat, not so unique, but she will eat anything we give her. Pickles, blueberries, olives, whatever. But please don't give her baby food. She hates it.
  • She waves good bye the right way. Most babies wave backward. Oh not Moriyah.
  • For many months now Moriyah has swirled her foot around. You know how you can make a circle with your toes. Well she does that when she is excited, tired, intrigued...whenever
  • She gets genuinely angry and yells at whatever has made her angry. IE her shirt, the table, a toy.
  • she moo's but only with Adam. I think she is going to be a daddy's girl. I tried to get her to moo with me. No dice, just daddy.
  • She thinks I'm a rock star. At least thats what i call it. Every time she sees me she screams for me. She my entourage. Every mother needs one.
  • She is so fat she has tan lines on her rolly arms.
She brings us such joy and laughter. Little Mo we love you.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Is it REALLY still 2007?

Things I recently overheard...

"Well we were down by the river and there were "beaners" everywhere. Playing their damn (really bad impersonation of latino music) everywhere."

"Have you noticed all the black people that moved in down the street."

"Well you know how black people are..."

"We could tell by their language that they weren't saved. But we decided not to tell them about Jesus" (that second part was paraphrased from a much larger conversation)

"The school population is changing, hardly anyone can speak English now. My job is getting a lot harder"

"They are diverting so many resources into families that don't speak English its ridiculous"

"Well those immigrants...(roll of the eyes)"

As I have had conversations with neighbors and fellow church members there have been little snipits of racism thrown in the mix. I have been taken aback by them and the frequency with which they came the last three days.

Am I the only one whose been hearing this or maybe its just being in central oregon. Truly their is very little diversity here. Perhaps its that I am so accustomed to the diversity that I've always lived with. One thing that we noticed that is extremely odd here is there are hardly any asian people. I didn't realize it until we went back to Portland.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

what is in a theme

"Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns to the fair" is the theme for the 2007 Deschutes county fair. I'm not sure who comes up with these or why. I think the theme should be come have fun and spend an arm and a leg. Thats basically my fair experience. But not this year. We have discovered a loop hole. If we enter something into the fair we get free admission all week! How glorious! We told the boys that if they wanted to go to the fair this year they had to enter something and then we'd buy them one of those ride bracelets. So...
Andrew has entered a crayon drawing.
Isaac has entered a picture of the black bear he took while at the zoo in portland
I have entered a sunset picture I took while camping this spring.

Adam wanted someone to enter him into the fair. No takers so far.

So if your biscuits are in the oven you should get your buns to the fair. I wonder if they realized that the biscuits would then burn. I mean its pretty dangerous to leave something like that in the oven.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007

VBS in Portland

This past week we headed up to portland so that adam and isaac could be in the vbs at pump church. We left sunday morning and got to gresham right about when church started at East county church of christ. We headed in and as we walked in the door, being about 15 minutes late, one of the members looked at us and said, "Welcome home sarah." Thats what it felt like. It was so good to get to see and talk to old friends. East county will always feel like my spiritual home no matter where my physical home may be. I love Redmond but it has felt like a spiritual wilderness for this past year. I really miss being a part of a faith community.