Monday, June 30, 2008

Cape Look Out

We are leaving today just as soon as Adam gets off of work for a trip to the beach! I am so excited. The beach is one of my favorite places to go. But it will be hard to top my last beach trip as it was on my anniversary and only adam and I got to go! This time we are going with a couple that we hang out with here in Redmond. They have four kids between them and our kids get along very well. I am hoping it can be an annual event.

Among the list of things I hope to get to do are:
*watching the sunset with my love
*seeing my daughters face when she gets her first look at the ocean
*watching Mo's reaction to the feel of sand
*sitting around the campfire and talking

Monday, June 23, 2008


I love this new toy I found. Enjoy!

Morgan Freeman

So he is in a lot of my favorite movies. The newest of which is The Bucket List. Shawshank Redemption has been a long time favorite of mine. There is something about Morgan Freeman that resonates with me. But I must admit I haven't seen everything that he has been in, nor liked it all. For a girl who has a hard time remembering the real names of actors, its funny to have a favorite one.

There were so many things that I liked about the bucket list. I love a movie that leaves me with something to think about or the feeling of being convicted. This movie did both.

Adam and I both recently realized that we are very nearing 30. An age we previously thought of as old. Upon second thought it is clearly not old. Along those same lines I am not going to live forever. My recent, although not deadly, health issues have reminded me that I am certainly not immortal.

This movie speaks about a life well lived and full of love. It shows a couple that are completely dedicated to each other but not the hokey over the top never had a problem kind. I realized that I have spent so much time dedicated to finishing something in order to do the next thing, ie school, potty training... I need to spend more time in the now. I need to think about how I can more truly love those around me, even when they are difficult. When it comes down to it I want to have lived life well and to have it full of love.

On to the conviction. I will not go into many details but I am estranged from my father. It also seems that for whatever reason I seem to cycle through dealing with the lack of relationship. I think there are certain things (movies for instance) or events that cause me to need to revisit it. I am not sure I will ever come away with a satisfying result.

I have not really digested this completely. It will take me more time and thought. As it turns out raising 4 kids and babysitting 2 demands most of my thought and time.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

the beginning of the end

I officially have two days of school left. Well to teach that is, then report cards and conferences. The end of the year is such a odd time. There is so much anxiety on the part of teachers because changes are happening; New staff, staff moving grade levels or schools, having to place kids into their next year classes.

I find myself reflecting on this year of teaching. It has been quite the learning experience. I have two classes that are vastly different in dynamic. I have muddled my way through the curriculum, figured out how to manage a whole room of 5 year olds by myself. I am still a firm believer that children learn through discovery and play. I am glad that I allowed for there to be times of unstructured play. I saw some of the most amazing insight into children and their thinking when I played with them or observed them playing.

The place that I would like to improve in is art. I realize that I need to know more craft projects and I would also like to incorporate more art literacy. I think that it is a powerful way for students to learn and express themselves. Plus it is relaxing and a good open ended activity.

I love teaching science. I really didn't expect to have a strong reaction one way or another to science. But I found that it is engaging, demands higher level thinking, incorporates many different learning styles, and can easily be integrated with math and literacy. When I talked about what they will remember most about kindergarten about half the answers were either PE or recess and the rest were some of the science and art we have done. Not one child said the testing or the alphabet. Now don't get me wrong those are important and the children need to know their letters and sounds to be ready to move to first grade but the learning that is making lasting impressions on the students is definitely not the alphafriends!

I was not a perfect teacher this year, but not a total failure. I love that teaching will never be stagnant. I have the opportunity again next year to learn two new classrooms. See what they know are interested in and to learn and grow professionally. I will continuously be stretched and though it can be painful and cumbersome, I wouldn't want it any other way!