Monday, June 23, 2008

Morgan Freeman

So he is in a lot of my favorite movies. The newest of which is The Bucket List. Shawshank Redemption has been a long time favorite of mine. There is something about Morgan Freeman that resonates with me. But I must admit I haven't seen everything that he has been in, nor liked it all. For a girl who has a hard time remembering the real names of actors, its funny to have a favorite one.

There were so many things that I liked about the bucket list. I love a movie that leaves me with something to think about or the feeling of being convicted. This movie did both.

Adam and I both recently realized that we are very nearing 30. An age we previously thought of as old. Upon second thought it is clearly not old. Along those same lines I am not going to live forever. My recent, although not deadly, health issues have reminded me that I am certainly not immortal.

This movie speaks about a life well lived and full of love. It shows a couple that are completely dedicated to each other but not the hokey over the top never had a problem kind. I realized that I have spent so much time dedicated to finishing something in order to do the next thing, ie school, potty training... I need to spend more time in the now. I need to think about how I can more truly love those around me, even when they are difficult. When it comes down to it I want to have lived life well and to have it full of love.

On to the conviction. I will not go into many details but I am estranged from my father. It also seems that for whatever reason I seem to cycle through dealing with the lack of relationship. I think there are certain things (movies for instance) or events that cause me to need to revisit it. I am not sure I will ever come away with a satisfying result.

I have not really digested this completely. It will take me more time and thought. As it turns out raising 4 kids and babysitting 2 demands most of my thought and time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope that digesting goes well! Love you friend!