Monday, September 01, 2008


Well it has been a while since I have posted. Since then our family has moved to Portland. We are staying with some friends because it is taking forever to get all the paperwork completed and verified so we can move into our town home.

I was having terrible luck finding a teaching job. So I had an interview on Monday afternoon. I got a call Monday night and was offered a fourth grade teaching job at Gilbert Heights Elementary school. I started work the very next day. Tomorrow is the first day of school! I have a huge list of emotions about it. I just can't wait to get past the first few weeks and settle in with the students.


Kristi said...

Yeah! What a blessing! Congrats - keep us posted on the new job

Unknown said...

congrats! and maybe I'm a little jealous that you are back in Portland :)

The "Eck's" Files said...

Yeah!! I have been wondering how you are. I'm so excited you found something and are getting into a home. What a fun adventure you have had though! Tell Adam and the kids hi for me!